our story

Fall 2005, William & Brandi met in the halls of Burnsville High School through some mutual friends. Somehow this very shy girl and awkward boy got to know each other a little and started dating by the end of the year.

Fast-forward three years, after lots of movies, mix CDs, concerts, and MySpace messages, Brandi & William attended FaithWalkers conference in Missouri and it changed their lives. Thanks to some really great people who are now some of their best friends, it was here when William & Brandi decided to live their lives always putting Christ first.

Over the next two years Brandi somehow managed to put up with his long rants about who-knows-what, and William managed to always make her smile whenever tears came (which happens quite easily if you know Brandi at all).

In December 2010 at Faithwalkers, William took Brandi out for dinner downtown. To kill some time since William "wasn't hungry", they went for a little walk. On the third floor overlook of Omaha's Old Market Passageway before William's knee could touch the ground the tears were flowing and she said, "Yes!"

After 5 long & wonderful years, these two love birds are tying the knot on the 21st of August at Gale Woods Farm in Minnetrista, Minnesota.